You may distribute this stack for free however, IT MAY NOT, IN ANY WAY, EITHER IN PART OR WHOLE BE USED FOR COMMERICAL GAIN ! This Hypercard stack was designed to control a Yaesu FT-990 transceiver. Although I have complied most of the scripts into XCMDs and XFCNs I would be more than happy to send you a version with all the HyperTalk scripts in place so that you can modify it to suit your own needs. It should be pretty easy to get this stack to work with other Yaesu radios. I would also be happy to offer whatever advice I can to help you achive this. I hope that as time goes by this stack can be refined and improved upon. If you need to report any bugs or would like to suggest ways in which this stack can be improved, I can be contacted via :- Packet Radio G0OAN @ GB7HSN.#32.GBR.EU Internet AMPR XCMDs and XFCNs used in this stack, SerialPort ToolKit v2.6, NumToBinary, FilePath © Apple Computers Inc. MenuHandler, WriteToFile © Trutees of Dartmouth College. Colorizing © BungDabba Productions. ListSelect, Listoid, Textoid © Frederic Rinaldi I must say a very big thank you to Harry Chesley who's SerialPort ToolKit XCMDs, and XFCNs made this whole thing possible. I Hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Regards, Sean. The copyright in this stack is owned by S. Sharkey @ 1994